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iWallet 立即下载


  • 软件类型:理财
  • 更新时间:2020-07-15 11:39:10
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  • 软件小编:佚名
  • 官方网站: http://android.jobbole.com
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iWallet - Your smarter Money management system

iWallet is a Powerful, yet inexpensive tool which takes care of your money management. Just feed in your spendings and analyze it anytime, anywhere.

As the saying goes, just when you're about to make ends meet, someone moves the ends. A Peaceful life comes with a better place to live, enough money to pay our bills and fewer concerns about finances is possible if we manage our money smartly.

So manage your money smartly so that money doesn't manages you.

The first step to Money management is to know where your money goes. By properly journalising and analysing your spendings, you will be able to find where your wallet leaks. Just by knowing where you spend your money unnecessarily will lead you to stop it.

Penny saved is Penny earned.

In the hectic Pace of your life, you may not be able to remember all your spending activities, so record it as you spend with our revolutionary product, iWallet.

Let us see what iWallet does for you,

* Record your expenses with a few taps.
* Categorize your spendings.
* Record your mode of payment.
* Link your expense to the vendor.
* Analyze your spending across diffrent time frames.
* Compare your spendings categorywise, Payment modewise and Vendorwise.
* Compare your spendings with past spendings (previous weeks, previous months and previous years)
* Your dashboard alerts you about your spendings against budget.
* Create your budget for different time cycles (yearly, monthly, weekly and daily)
* Create multiple Budgets category wise,Payment wise and Vendor wise across different time cycles
* Analyse your spendings between different budgets
* Visualize your spendings, budget wise in realtime from your dashboard.
* graphically picturise your budgets with Pie Charts.
* Search your expenses easily.
* create your own expense category.
* Create your own mode of payment and vendors.
* Backup your data.
* Move your data to another mobile with backup/restore utility.

Warren Buffet, Worlds richest man says

"If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to Sell things you need."

So get smarter, Download iWallet now and manage your money smartly and meet the goals you've set and create the life you deserve.


Tags : expense expenditure bill invoice manage daily wallet balance budget pie chart income cash money report account tracker finance iwallet manager receipt analysis

  • iWallet
  • iWallet
  • iWallet
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